153 | Spanish Collection

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English ★★/★(1938ca). Spectacular set-stock of hundreds of complete series and block sheets from 1936 to 1938, in new and most without affixes, highlighting two series of the Submarine, two block sheets of Submarine, one in letter, two series of Militias, a stamp of Granada (well centered and with a pinpoint), five series of Cifras, Cid and Isabel, a set of undented Toledo sheets, twenty-four short series of Fernando, six Unissued series of Fernando, two series of La Mano, seventeen series of Isabel, etc, as well as numerous varieties of indentation, without indentation and printing, highlighting Holy Year without indentation in a block of four and also the inverted frame and a stamp of 1 Isabel pts in a block of four without indentation. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.

Auction lots and collections #95

Thursday, 12 May 2022 | 16:00

Lot 153

Starting price 3.250€